This is a portrait of my cat Simon as a kitten.
This particular painting is somewhat of a matte painting, and was completely for practice.
IELTS help and English practice with Simon, ex-IELTS examiner.
Bahan Membuat Sinom praktis
- 2 genggam daun asam muda 1 ons asam jawa 1 ons gula merah.
- 1 ons kunyit 1 ons asam jawa.
- 500-600 gr gula pasir.
- 1 sendok teh garam.
- 3 Liter air.
Langkah Memasak Sinom praktis
- Cuci bersih daun asam muda,kunir..
- Iris tipis" kunir.
- Lalu campur semua bahan, masak hingga mendidih. Aduk pelan sampai daun benar" layu yaa... Cicipi,kalo udah pas selera.... Matikan & hidangkan😁 s.
- Sinomnya bisa di nikmati pas hangat juga dingin.... Selamat mencoba🙏.
A Simon focus is a tuberculosis (TB) nodule that can form in the apex of the lung when a primary TB infection elsewhere in the body spreads to the lung apex via the bloodstream. Simon focus nodules are often calcified. I've been feeling like a bag of moldy tangerines about my art so I painted a Simon to perk up. Home » Parents » Video tips. Simon says is an action game.
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