Diet friendly baked potato kornet This allows steam to escape from the baking potato. Welcome to Kenda's corner on my channel I would be showing a variety of local and international cuisines stay tune please like and subscribe thank u in. The nutrition in baked potatoes provides a healthy addition to your weight-loss plan.

Bahan Membuat Diet friendly baked potato kornet

  1. 2 buah Kentang.
  2. Kornet sachet 1 pcs merk apapun.
  3. Lada.
  4. Garam.
  5. Totole.
  6. Bawang putih 2 siung cincang halus.
  7. Bawang merah 1 siung haluskan.

Langkah Memasak Diet friendly baked potato kornet

  1. Kentang 1 belah jadi 2, kentang 1 lagi kupas dan potong2..lalu rebus atau kukus keduanya.
  2. Saat matang,angkat kentang..kentang 1 dikerok isinya sampe seperti mangkok..kentang 2 dihancurkan.
  3. Tumis kornet dengan bawang putih cincang.
  4. Campur kornet dan kentang 2,masukan lada garam totole bawang merah halus..lalu mashed agar kentang dan kornet menyatu,test rasa.
  5. Sendokkan perlahan campuran kornet dan kentang 2 ke dalam kentang 1 yg sudah berbentuk spt mangkok.
  6. Oven 40 menit di 200 derajat.

Kimchi's kick comes from fermentation, which adds gut-friendly probiotics. Loaded Baked Potato Rounds - Baked potato slices topped with crunchy bacon and melty cheese! I really wanted to call these rounds of. Whether mashed, baked or roasted, people often consider potatoes as comfort food. It is an important food staple and the number one vegetable crop in the world.

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