This allows steam to escape from the baking potato.
If you enjoy baked potatoes from your favorite steakhouse restaurants, you will recall they have a crispy skin with a soft fluffy inside.
When baking a lot of potatoes at one time, choose potatoes with uniform shapes and sizes; they will cook more evenly and get done at the same time.
Bahan Membuat Baked potato (menu diet)
- 500 gr kentang.
- Bumbu marinasi:.
- 2 sdm olive oil.
- 1 siung bawang putih halus.
- secukupnya Oregano.
- secukupnya Rosemary.
- 1 sdt blackpepper bubuk.
- 1 sdt garam.
- 1 sdt chilli bubuk.
Langkah Memasak Baked potato (menu diet)
- Bersihkan kentang.. Potong2 tidak perlu dikupas kulitnya.. Rendam dengan air garam.
- Marinasi kentang bersama bumbu2.. Biarkan minimal 1 jam.
- Susun kentang diatas loyang yg sudah dilapisi kertas roti.. Bakar kentang di oven 180 derjat celcius.. Selama 40 menit...
- Kentang siap disantap...
There are certain types of foods that make weight loss a little more difficult, but. So the "potato diet" (or "potato hack") is basically what it sounds like—a diet of potatoes! Others allow you some flexibility to bake, roast, saute, or boil potatoes as you please, just so long as. Baked potatoes make an easy and healthy dinner—find out how to perfectly bake potatoes plus get genius baked potato topping ideas. I'll admit I almost forgot about them amidst the grain-bowl carb-swap cauliflower craze.
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