Cracked open and still steaming, it's ready to receive anything from a sprinkle of cheese to last night's stew.
Prick the potatoes in a few places with the tines of a fork.
This allows steam to escape from the baking potato.
Bahan Membuat Roasted potatoes/baked (menu diet enak)
- 1/4 kg kentang.
- 1 sdt garam.
- 2 Sdm olive oil/ aku pake minyak goreng karena lagi gaada tetep oke.
- 4 siung bawang putih.
- Beberapa lembar Daun seledri potong kecil.
- 1 sdt bon cabe.
- 1/4 sdt kaldu bubuk.
- Sedikit lada.
Langkah Memasak Roasted potatoes/baked (menu diet enak)
- Potong kentang memanjang jangan terlalu tipis agak tebal aja gpp. Kulit tidak perlu dikupas tapi harus benar benar bersih dari kotoran.
- Campur semua bahan bahan marinate kentang selama kurleb 3/4 jam Aku cuma 3 jam oke. Simpan di kulkas.
- Siap kan oven suhu 200 derajat app atas bawah.
- Susun kentang yg telah di marinate dalam loyang, jangan sampe berdekatan biar ga nempel.
- Masukan dalam oven selama 20 menti, setelah itu balik kentang masukan oven lagi selama 10 menit kemudian siap disajikan.
Be sure to cut the potatoes into pieces that are about the same size so they roast evenly. Line the pan with foil, which helps crisp up the potatoes and makes for easy clean up. While the oven is still hot, try roasting your favorite vegetable to help round out your dinner. For baked potatoes, starchy Russet potatoes are the best. For potato salad, thin-skinned waxy potatoes like Red Bliss or Fingerling are a good For oven-roasted potatoes, you want something in the middle, and that means Yukon Gold.
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