There's no mystery why "Chicken" is one of the most popular recipe searches ever.
When you prep a chicken like this, and roast it in a very hot oven, the bird has no choice but to cook and crisp up in its own juices, which results in very moist, flavorful meat.
Thinly sliced chicken fillets are marinated in the finest olive oil, herbs, and spices, and then roasted in its own marinade.
Bahan Membuat Roasted salt pepper chicken breast for breakfast diet
- fillet Dada ayam.
- Telur.
- Buncis (potong2 kecil).
- Jagung manis.
- Wortel (potong kotak2).
- Bawang bombay (potong kecil2).
- Garam.
- Merica bubuk.
- Kentang.
- Jeruk nipis / lemon.
Langkah Memasak Roasted salt pepper chicken breast for breakfast diet
- Cuci bersih ayam dada fillet, lalu belah/ gepengkan dengan palu khusus untuk membuat steak.
- Taburi ayam dengan garam, merica dan beri sedikit perasan jeruk nipis (lebih enak lagi kalo pake lemon, tapi berhubung di kulkas adanya jeruk nipis jadi saya pakai jeruk nipis), lalu pijit2 halus dada ayam biar bumbunya meresap, diamkan kurang lebih 45 menit.
- Sambil menunggu bumbu ayam meresap, cuci bersih kentang, kupas, potong2 sesuai selera, lalu kukus sampai matang.
- Tumis bawang bombay di wajan (tanpa minyak, sebagai gantinya pakai air sedikit).
- Masukkan wortel,buncis, dan jagung manis, tumis sebentar.
- Tambahkan garam, tumis lagi.
- Tambahkan air secukupnya, tumisa sampai air asat.
- Siapkan panci, isi dengan air, panaskan di atas kompor.
- Setelah air mendidih, pecah telor dan masukkan ke dalam air mendidih, tunggu sampai matang.
- Siapkan teflon anti lengket, panggang daging ayam sampai matang.
- Tata semua masakan di piring, sajikan.
Roasted Chicken Thighs with only salt and pepper are moist, succulent with wonderfully crispy skin! Simple comfort food at its best. I love 'go to' recipes that are easy With only three simple ingredients Salt & Pepper Roasted Chicken Thighs proves simple can be the most delicious at the dinner table! Roasting the chicken and vegetables together makes this an easy dish to prepare - and layering the veggies on top makes it look impressive, too! Top tip for making Chicken breasts roasted with peppers and courgettes.
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