Diet GM Day 2 My wife is cooking vegetable soup to start my day. In this article, we look at how the diet GM stands for General Motors. Some sources claim that the General Motors corporation developed and endorsed this diet plan to help its.

Bahan Membuat Diet GM Day 2

  1. buncis.
  2. 2 buah kentang ukuran sedang.
  3. sedikit olive oil.
  4. sedikit garam dan merica.
  5. sedikit italian seasoning.

Langkah Memasak Diet GM Day 2

  1. Diet GM Hari 2 Hari Sayur cuci bersih buncis wortel dan kentang potong kentang baluri sedikit olive oil beri sedikit garam merica dan italian seasoning panggang sampai matang. Kemudian rebus buncis sampai matang (jangan kematangan nanti gizinya hilang), angkat dan tiriskan. Note : boleh minum kopi atau teh asalkan jangan yang pake gula atau khusus untuk diet ya.
  2. Jangan lupa 8 gelas air putih sepanjang hari (minimal).

You can eat one boiled potato or sweet potato topped with one teaspoon of butter on this day. You'll be eating vegetables for the rest. Each day is dedicated to eating just one food group, like vegetables, fruits or protein, as part of GM diet plan vegetarian foods. The GM diet is not a balanced diet as it excludes some food. You can eat all fruit other than bananas.

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