The Broccoli diet is designed for people who like to eat vegetables and want to quickly lose weight.
It is based on five regimens, each lasting two days, and the total duration of the diet is ten days.
Following a diet where you mainly eat chicken and broccoli will provide you with a high amount of protein, a moderate amount of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and very low fat.
- 500 gram Kentang.
- 100 gram Keju Cheddar.
- 200 gram Brokoli.
- 400 ml Susu Kental Manis.
- secukupnya Lada (Merica).
- 1 secukupnya Bawang Bombay.
Langkah Memasak BROCCOLI DIET
- Kentang rebus haluskan beri garam dan meica brokoli rebus sebentar 1 menit.
- SAUS: Parut keju bagi dua bagian. Panaskan wajan, lelehkn mentega tumis bombay dan bawang (cincang),tumis hingga harum masukkan terigu, tuangi susu (5 sdm dicairkan dengan 400 ml air)sedikit demi sedikit, masukkan merica, pala, garam, dan keju sebagian. Masak hingga meletup-letup..
- Siapkan pinggan tahan panas, olesi mentega, tata kentang, tata brokoli diatasnya. Siram dengan saus dan sebagian parutan keju parut. Panggang hingga keju kecoklatan. Angkat sajikan.
Although a lot of people do not like the taste of. Discover what makes broccoli so healthy, from fibre to vitamins and minerals. How to eat a balanced diet The health benefits of asparagus All our health benefits guides More health & nutrition tips. You already know that broccoli belongs in a healthful, plant-based diet, but this cruciferous vegetable can provide a bigger nutrition boost if you prepare it a certain way. Broccoli is considered to be one of the most nutritious vegetables and, when cooked properly, it can really be a delicious addition to any meal plan.
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