It is located in the department of Atlantida.
Who is the nigga that act bad with the laws?
Keep a pistol in his draws and act bad with your broads. peshheristyie-tela-u-muzhchin.html.
Bahan Membuat Tela tela ubi gurih
- 2 kg ubi kayu.
- Bumbu balado.
- 1/2 sdk garam.
Langkah Memasak Tela tela ubi gurih
- Bersihkan ubi terlebih dahulu.
- Setelah itu rebus ubi,dan tambahkan garam sampai setengah empuk.
- Lalu potong ubi berbentuk korek api.
- Goreng dengan api sedang,tiriskan lalu berikan bumbu balado.
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