Telcok Crispy This crispy roasted chickpeas recipe is the perfect salty, crunchy healthy snack! They're spiced with chili powder and cumin. Telco Community Credit Union is a full service financial institution serving members across Western North Carolina.

Bahan Membuat Telcok Crispy

  1. 5 biji ubi jalar (diiris tipis-tipis).
  2. 1/4 tepung terigu (untuk melumuri tela).
  3. 1/4 tepung roti (untuk membalut bagian luar).
  4. secukupnya Minyak goreng.

Langkah Memasak Telcok Crispy

  1. Tela diiris tipis-tipis.
  2. Celup tela kedalam tepung terigu yg sdh dcampur dengan air.
  3. Kemudian gulungkan di tepung roti sambil dipencet-pencet biar tepungnya menempel sempurna.
  4. Lalu goreng sampai kecoklatan (untuk hasil biar tepung bs menempel sempurna, habis dlumuri dengan tepung roti lalu dimasukkan ke dalam frezer dlu sampai dingin).
  5. Setelah digoreng sampe kecoklatan, angkat dan tiriskan.....kemudian kasih toping sesuai selera ya bund.
  6. Kalau kasih susu full cream dlu, lalu saya kasih coklat aneka rasa, bisa jg pke keju, selai, milo, oreo, dll.

This blog post started as a disc. Reblog. crispy bacon. me crispy hot and cold at the same time bc of my sunburn the sun zapped all my energy. Imagine that the Easter Bunny's wife is a chicken, and imagine her laying an egg. These sweet, crispy eggs with a fun candy surprise inside would be what came out! I don't think that's possible either.

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