This crispy roasted chickpeas recipe is the perfect salty, crunchy healthy snack!
They're spiced with chili powder and cumin.
Telco Community Credit Union is a full service financial institution serving members across Western North Carolina.
Bahan Membuat Telcok Crispy
- 5 biji ubi jalar (diiris tipis-tipis).
- 1/4 tepung terigu (untuk melumuri tela).
- 1/4 tepung roti (untuk membalut bagian luar).
- secukupnya Minyak goreng.
Langkah Memasak Telcok Crispy
- Tela diiris tipis-tipis.
- Celup tela kedalam tepung terigu yg sdh dcampur dengan air.
- Kemudian gulungkan di tepung roti sambil dipencet-pencet biar tepungnya menempel sempurna.
- Lalu goreng sampai kecoklatan (untuk hasil biar tepung bs menempel sempurna, habis dlumuri dengan tepung roti lalu dimasukkan ke dalam frezer dlu sampai dingin).
- Setelah digoreng sampe kecoklatan, angkat dan tiriskan.....kemudian kasih toping sesuai selera ya bund.
- Kalau kasih susu full cream dlu, lalu saya kasih coklat aneka rasa, bisa jg pke keju, selai, milo, oreo, dll.
This blog post started as a disc. Reblog. crispy bacon. me crispy hot and cold at the same time bc of my sunburn the sun zapped all my energy. Imagine that the Easter Bunny's wife is a chicken, and imagine her laying an egg. These sweet, crispy eggs with a fun candy surprise inside would be what came out! I don't think that's possible either.
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