Oreo Cheese Cake/Chizkek Lumer A No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake with an Oreo crust! This easy no-bake cheesecake recipe makes a perfect dessert for any time of year! Cream cheese: I suggest letting the cream cheese soften to room temperature before mixing up the cheesecake filling so that it comes out much smoother.

Bahan Membuat Oreo Cheese Cake/Chizkek Lumer

  1. 225 gr susu cair.
  2. 130 ml santan (kara kemasan kecil + air hingga 130 ml).
  3. 3 sdm gula pasir.
  4. 1 sachet skm.
  5. 25 gr keju cheddar diparut.
  6. secubit vanili susu.
  7. 10 keping oreo, patahkan.
  8. 3 sdm maizena, larutkan dg 50 ml air.
  9. secukupnya topping choco chips (sesuai selera).

Langkah Memasak Oreo Cheese Cake/Chizkek Lumer

  1. Campurkan susu, santan, gula pasir, skm, keju & vanili susu, masak sampai gula larut..
  2. Sebelum mendidih masukkan larutan maizena. masak sampai meletup2. matikan kompor. biarkan suhu ruang..
  3. Siapkan cup/gelas. tuang setengah bagian adonan cheese cake, beri oreo lalu tumpuk dgn adonan cheese cake. beri toping suka2..
  4. Simpan di kulkas. sajikan dingin..

Cheesecake is our number one, and Oreos are our favorite cookie, so you can only imagine how deadly this combination is for us. Cheesecake and Oreos are both delicious. When blended together, they make the ultimate cheesecake. To make a no-bake Oreo cheesecake, start by blending crushed Oreos and melted butter in a food processor. Silahkan baca artikel Resep Cheesecake Lumer Ala Bunda Nurhalimatus Sy. di Jamin Endolitaaah Suami Sampai Ketagihan ini selengkapnya di KOMPI Nikmat.

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