Skip the store-bought biscuits and toss the packaged whipped cream that's loaded with who-the-heck-knows-what.
The description Resep Cheesecake Lumer Apk.
Cheese cake oreo lumer Cheese Cake Lumeerrr Cheese cake lumer ala dapur ani Cheese cake coconut milk Cheesecake melted Special Oreo cheesecake melted and practical Chizkek melted by RPS Oreo cheese cake melted economical Oreo.
Bahan Membuat Chizkek lumer strawberry (homemade)
- 2 sct SKM putih.
- 1 sct Dancow vanilla.
- 165 ml Santan (me:kara).
- 150 ml Reall good sweet cheese.
- 80 gr Keju parut.
- 1 sdm Gula pasir.
- 1/2 sdt Garam.
- 300 ml Air.
- Utk toping:.
- Oreo / selai strawberry / keju parut dll.
Langkah Memasak Chizkek lumer strawberry (homemade)
- Campur semua bahan kecuali maizena.
- Didihkan di api sedang, aduk.
- Maizena di beri air 50ml.
- Kalo sudah mendidih, masukan maizena nya yg sudah di larutkan tadi..
- Aduk2 sampai betul2 mendidih dan meletup letup..
- Matikan api kompor dan tunggu dingin dulu.
- Tuang ke dlm cup dan beri toping sesuai kreasimu....
- Masukkan ke dalam kulkas..
Homemade Strawberry Fruit Rollup (Fruit Leather). Have you ever made homemade fruit rollups? Why am I just now discovering how easy it is!?! The real beauty of these homemade strawberry fruit roll-ups besides tasting amazing and looking amazing (checkout out those natural strawberry seeds. This simple No Pectin Strawberry Jam Recipe is made with only strawberries, sugar and a bit of lemon! (Scroll to the bottom for recipe tips, a How Long Does Homemade Strawberry Jam Last in the Fridge?
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