Method: - place the water, salt, vinegar, sugar in a pot, cook until boil and set a side until cool down - blend chillies (chopped very fine) and set a side - cut and slices mango thinly so quick marinated Resep Asinan Mangga (Mango Pickles).
The taste is different, though because asinan buah Bogor tastes sweet from the sugar and the fruit (pineapple), slightly salty from the salt, sour from the vinegar, and hot from the chili pepper.
Lihat juga resep Asinan Mangga enak lainnya.
Bahan Membuat Asinan Mangga (Mango Pickles)
- 7 buah mangga muda ukuran besar (di potong sesuai selera).
- 10 buah cabe merah.
- 6 buah cabe setan/ rawit.
- 1 sdm cuka.
- 800 gr air.
- 250 gr gula (kalau suka lebih manis boleh di tambahin).
- garam secukup nya.
- sedikit terasi.
Langkah Memasak Asinan Mangga (Mango Pickles)
- Blender cabe merah & cabe setan/rawit.
- Rebus air sampai medidih dan matang.
- Masukkan bumbu cabai masak hingga bau nya tidak langu.
- Masukkan gula pasir, garam, cuka, dan terasi aduk sampai tercampur rata. (Jangan lupa di cicip, kalau ada yg kurang silahkan di tambah sesuai selera).
- Diam kan sampai agak dingin lalu campurkan dengan mangga..
- Simpan asinan di dalam kulkas agar lebih segar dan enak di nikmati....
Transfer the mango pickle to a bowl. Enjoy the mouth-watering Mango pickle with Rice, Chappathy or even with morning breakfast. Burong mangga is a Filipino pickle and/or side dish made from salted mangoes, sugar, salt, and water. For this tasty pickle, people first boil and then cool the mixture of water and sugar before pouring it over the salted mangoes. For some variants of burong mangga, people also add chilies to the cooled sugar water mixture.
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