If you like overnight oats, you'll love this fruity, no-cook breakfast bowl.
Packed with nutritious ingredients including chia seeds, blueberries, kiwi and pomegranate, it's also made with almond milk, so it's suitable for vegan diets.
Spice Up Your Summer with These Fruit-Based Hot Sauce Recipes.
Bahan Membuat Milk Porridge fruity sauce
- bubur susu.
- 45 gram tepung beras.
- 5 gram tepung tapioka.
- 75-100 gram gula pasir.
- 1/2 sdt garam.
- 500 ml susu cair.
- toping.
- 100 gram strawberry.
- 100 gram anggur.
- 1 buah kiwi.
- secukupnya es.
- 10 sdm air jeruk manis.
- 5 sdm susu kental manis.
Langkah Memasak Milk Porridge fruity sauce
- masak bubur susunya, dengan mencampur tepung, gula, garam, dan susu lalu masak sampai meletup-letup sisihkan..
- sajikan bubur di piring atau mangkok, atau gelas saji, utk 5 porsi lalu dinginkan, sambil menunggu dingin, potong buah..
- tata potongan buah diatas bubur, beri es, air jeruk manis, dan terakhir susu kental manisnya. sajikan.
Serve the quinoa porridge in small bowls. Drizzle the honey over the top and serve with the extra skim milk. With Handle Sauce Pan Home Use Fondue Butter Kitchen Round Cooking Tool Mini Soup Pot Stainless Steel Milk Heating Portable. Heat Resistant Borosilicate Glass Soup Pot Stockpot Transparent Soup Cooker Boil Water Instant Noodles Porridge Cooker Stock Pot. This Jamaican Cornmeal Porridge Bowl is a delicious twist on the popular traditional Jamaican cornmeal porridge smooth, creamy and delicious!
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