Heart-healthy Food Avocado, also known as alligator pear, is a type of fruit that is high in fatty acids but low in cholesterol.
The avocado (Persea americana), a tree likely originating from south-central Mexico, is classified as a member of the flowering plant family Lauraceae.
Research on avocado shows that the greatest phytonutrient concentrations occur in portions of the food that we do not typically eat, namely, the peel and the seed (or Recent research on avocado and heart disease risk has revealed some important health benefits that may be unique to this food.
Bahan Membuat Real Food (avocado fruit)
- 1/2 buah alpukat mentega.
- 2 sdm madu.
- Taburan chia seed.
Langkah Memasak Real Food (avocado fruit)
- Cuci buah alpukat, kuliti kemudian iris sesuai selera..
- Letakkan dalam piring saji.
- Tuangkan madu dan taburi chia seed..
- Real food siap dinikmati..
- Dressing bisa ditambah yogurt, sesuai selera.
The vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats you get from You may also hear this called latex-food syndrome or latex-fruit allergy. Free for commercial use No attribution required High quality images. Related Images: food healthy fresh vegan nutrition green vegetarian diet vegetables avocado. Smashed, blended or even griddled, gorgeously green, creamy avocado is a nutritional powerhouse. How to tell if an avocado is ripe.
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