Real dalgona And it's trending for a reason - it's delicious. Delicious as in, you're drinking the best frappé of your life, while you're on holiday kinda delicious. The trend first started in South Korea where it was nicknamed "Dalgona Coffee" because it resembles the look of a popular toffee treat with the same name.

Bahan Membuat Real dalgona

  1. 150 gr gula pasir.
  2. 1 sdt bakingsoda / baking powder.
  3. Susu cair.

Langkah Memasak Real dalgona

  1. Masak gula pasir dan sedikit air, 2sdm kalau ada kopi bisa tambah dikit, kalau gaada gapapa.
  2. Aduk terus sampai mencair, lalu tambahkan 1sdt bakingpowder.
  3. Aduk2 sebentar sampai tercampur, dan tuangkan lalu dinginkan sampi mengeras.
  4. Tuang susu cair, dan masukkan remahan dalgona nya.

Here's what happened when I tried making whipped dalgona coffee at home.. Dalgona coffee recipe with REAL dalgona! The whipped cup of joe, called dalgona coffee, is a 'Gram-worthy drink that'll keep you energized all day. Once it's light and fluffy, pile it on top of a cup of your milk of choice, and then mix it in. But don't just follow our instructions.

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