Tamagoyaki Nori Sausage #ketofriendly #ketofy #debm #telur #sosis I normally make this easy tamagoyaki in the morning when I prepare my kids' bento school lunch. It doesn't require the seasonings used in the traditional recipe. All you really need is eggs and nori seaweed.

Bahan Membuat Tamagoyaki Nori Sausage #ketofriendly #ketofy #debm #telur #sosis

  1. 5 butir telur.
  2. Lada putih.
  3. Himalayan salt.
  4. Sosis / bratwurst.
  5. Butter salted.
  6. Nori.
  7. Saus:.
  8. Mayonaise (kraft real mayo).

Langkah Memasak Tamagoyaki Nori Sausage #ketofriendly #ketofy #debm #telur #sosis

  1. Kocok lepas telur, tambahkan lada putih dan himalayan salt.
  2. Dadar telur di teflon yang ukurannya cukup lebar, hingga jadi 4 dadar telur. Sisihkan.
  3. Panaskan butter salted diatas teflon, masukkan sosis / bratwurst utuh. Bolak balik agar matang merata.
  4. Siapkan dadar telur sebagai lapisan paling bawah, kemudian taruh nori diatasnya dan terakhir sosis.
  5. Gulung hingga ujung permukaan dan potong dengan ketebalan Β± 2 cm.
  6. Tamagoyaki siap disajikan bersama saus mayonaise 😘🍘🍳.

Sweet yet savory, Tamagoyaki (Japanese rolled omelette), makes a delightful Japanese breakfast or side dish for your bento lunches. Tamagoyaki (卡焼き or ηŽ‰ε­η„Όγ) is sweetened Japanese rolled omelette that resemble mini bars of golden pillows. With a slightly sweet taste and custardy texture, tamagoyaki is well loved amongst the Japanese children and adults alike. Tamagoyaki is thin layers of eggs cooked and rolled into a log using a special rectangular Tamagoyaki pan. How it's seasoned is different by each household.

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