Grilled Salmon with Vegetable Salad | Resep Menu Diet #01 Make delicious & EASY baked salmon foil packets in the oven or salmon foil packets on the grill. "Wrap and roll! This recipe is so simple, it's hard to call it a recipe," says Chef John. Trimmed artichokes dressed in fresh lemon juice, olive oil, garlic, and salt, roasted to flavorful excellence for a sumptuous side you'll want to make again and again.

Bahan Membuat Grilled Salmon with Vegetable Salad | Resep Menu Diet #01

  1. Daging ikan salmon.
  2. Bayam merah.
  3. Selada.
  4. Jagung manis.
  5. Unsalted butter.
  6. Merica bubuk.
  7. Air perasan jeruk lemon.

Langkah Memasak Grilled Salmon with Vegetable Salad | Resep Menu Diet #01

  1. Cuci bersih semua sayuran, dan potong kecil-kecil sesuai selera, sisihkan..
  2. Panaskan teflon, lelehkan unsalted butter dan grill ikan salmon sampai dengan tingkat kematangan yg diinginkan.
  3. Campurkan sayuran yg telah dicuci, kucuri dengan perasan air jeruk lemon.
  4. Tata sayur yg telah diberi dressing ke piring saji, letakkan pula grilled salmon disamping salad sayurnya.
  5. Finish! Easy peasy lemon squeezy.. praktis, sehat & bergizi, selamat mencoba :).

Salmon and vegetables baked together in one pan for an easy, healthy and quick dinner. Salmon fillets and fresh veggies rubbed with olive oil, herbs and spices and, baked to perfection. Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring. As a matter of fact, if you do your research well you might even come up with a delectable dish that you can always come back to whenever you feel like detoxing. Take for instance this amazing and heavenly grilled salmon.

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