Saos/Toping Takoyaki-Okonomiyaki Banyak pilihan jajanan Jepang, ada takoyaki dan okonomiyaki dengan berbagai macam pilihan topping dan sauce khas itsumo. Itsumo Okonomiyaki, isinya penuh dengan Cheese, Smoked Beef dan Octopus. This recipe is for the Osaka-style version, which can be topped with a variety of ingredients.

Bahan Membuat Saos/Toping Takoyaki-Okonomiyaki

  1. 200 ml saus tomat (aku pakai delmonte, karna rasanya lebih pas).
  2. 3 sdm saus tiram (cap panda).
  3. 5 sdm kecap manis bango.
  4. Sejumput garam.
  5. 1 sdt gula pasir.
  6. 3 sdm air.

Langkah Memasak Saos/Toping Takoyaki-Okonomiyaki

  1. Siapkan teflon/wajan. Masukkan dan campur semua bahan ke dalam teflon diatas api kecil. Aduk-aduk hingga hangat saja atau ada sedikit letupan kecil. Matikan api. Koreksi rasa. Jika kurang pas, tambahkan kecap manis. Siap disajikan sebagai saus untuk takoyaki/okonomiyaki.

But I married with a man from Kobe which is part of. This takoyaki recipe provides easy instructions for making Japanese octopus balls (dumplings) that are crispy on the outside and full of flavour. Transport yourself to the busy side streets and summer festivals of Japan with this great-tasting takoyaki recipe. Takoyaki are a kind of dumpling, made from. It's easy to make okonomiyaki at home, like a pro!

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