Potato Chips Kriuk Potato chips (often just chips), or crisps (in British and Irish English), are thin slices of potato that have been either deep fried or baked until crunchy. When we first discovered microwave potato chips four years ago, it was nothing short of a revelation. Even now, the fact that a short spin in the microwave can transform slices of potato into crispy.

Bahan Membuat Potato Chips Kriuk

  1. bumbu halus.
  2. 7 siung bawang putih.
  3. 1 sendok teh garam.
  4. 1 sendik teh ketumbar.
  5. bahan dasar.
  6. 1/2 kg kentang (5-6)biji.

Langkah Memasak Potato Chips Kriuk

  1. Kupas kentang kemudian iris tipis.
  2. Rendam irisan kentang selama 15 menit di air biasa.
  3. Kemudian rendam lagi di air es selama 15 menit.
  4. Keringkan dengan dijemur matahari selama 30 menit/ dikipas/ menggunakan kertas roti.
  5. Campurkan bumbu halus sebelum digoreng. Jika ingin rasa lain sebaiknya langsung digoreng baru ditabur.
  6. Goreng dengan api sedang.

A tasty and easy alternative to store-bought potato chips (not to mention economical)! Cut potatoes into thin slices, using a mandoline or sharp knife; rinse with cold water. Drain potatoes, and spread on a paper towel-lined baking sheet. finally, enjoy potato chips recipe or store in an airtight container for a month. In this post, I have shared how to make crispy, white colored potato chips at home easily just like store bought ones. As you all know, crispy potato chips is loved by all irrespective of ages.

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