A handful of finely grated Parmesan here and a little bit of reserved pasta water there are going to help the consistency get just right.
Pre Diabetes is a condition in which your blood glucose Is chronically high, simply not so large as to be classified Creamy Shrimp Pasta with Mushrooms in a homemade alfredo sauce.
The creamy pasta sauce is made with Parmesan and Mozzarella cheese.
Bahan Membuat Fettuccine creamy mozzarella sauce
- 150 gr Fettuccine.
- 2 bh garlic.
- 1/2 bawang bombay.
- 3 sdm minyak goreng.
- Sosis.
- Garam (secukupnya).
- Kaldu jamur bubuk (secukupnya).
- Lada.
- Creamy.
- Susu full cream (secukupnya).
- Keju cedar.
- Mozzarella.
- Bubuk Oregano 🌿 (Secukupnya).
- Bubuk Basil (secukupnya).
Langkah Memasak Fettuccine creamy mozzarella sauce
- Rebus air hingga mendidih,masukan garlic 🧄 & minyak goreng setelah mendidih masukan fettuccine masak hingga setengah matang,.
- Masukkan susu cair sedikit demi sedikit,masukan semua bahan kecuali mozzarella kemudian tuang fettuccine aduk sampai rata dan terakhir masukan mozzarella aduk sampai benar2 rata..
- Tuang ke tempat yg sudah disediakan, tabur dengan keju parut and taraaaa selamat menikmati 💋💋.
Any variety of mushroom will work in this veggie-packed variation on classic fett. This was really nice but I didn't follow the recipe exactly. I used Campbell's vegetable stock instead of wine. Serve the pork and sauce with the fettuccine. Creamy Mushroom Fettuccine - The creamiest mushroom alfredo sauce you will ever have - a sauce so good, you'll want to slurp it with a spoon!
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