🧀 Cheese Sauce The sauce is based upon white sauce, which is known as one of the 'mother sauces', and cheddar cheese. This is my favorite way of making cheese sauce! No nuts, no oil, miso (sodium) optional!

Bahan Membuat 🧀 Cheese Sauce

  1. 250 ml susu cair uht.
  2. 200 gr keju spread /keju cheddar, parut.
  3. 100 ml air.
  4. 1 sendok makan maizena.
  5. 1 bungkus bubuk tabur kentang goreng.
  6. 1 sendok makan margarin/butter (boleh skip).

Langkah Memasak 🧀 Cheese Sauce

  1. Siapkan semua bahan. Panaskan susu dengan api kecil, masukan keju spread atau keju parut, aduk aduk sampai keju mencair dan mendidih..
  2. Masukan bubuk tabur kentang goreng, aduk terus sampai tercampur rata (sebaiknya menggunakan whisk)..
  3. Terakhir maizena dan air sampai tercampur rata, masukan ke dalam campuran susu dan keju sedikit demi sedikit  (diaduk terus, supaya tidak gosong).
  4. Setelah matang, angkat dan dinginkan.. Isikan dalam wadah. Simpan dalam kulkas. Siap dinikmati bersama menu favoritmu; kentang goreng, kripik, salad, sandwich, dll.

With this easy recipe, you can make With this easy recipe, you can make your own gooey, creamy, cheesy dip for nachos, fries, and more. Not just because you can now make your own mac and Shred your cheese and get your milk and seasonings ready. The thing about cheese sauce is that. Learn how to make cheese sauce with this easy recipe. Great for cauliflower cheese, fish pies and pasta.

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