Sedangkan untuk cheesecake no bake ini kita hanya buat krim keju kentalnya saja.
Enjoy a fabulous cookie-laced cheesecake with this Easy OREO Cheesecake!
Who can turn down cheesecake with oreo cookies?
Bahan Membuat Cheesecake lumer Oreo (hemat bahan & cepat)
- 200 ml susu cair full cream (ultra milk).
- 3 1/2 sdm gula pasir.
- 75 gr keju parut (ditimbang dulu baru diparut).
- Sejumput garam.
- 2 sdm maizena (larutkan dengan sedikit air).
- 7 pcs oreo (hancurkan & cream putihnya bisa di campurkan di adonan).
Langkah Memasak Cheesecake lumer Oreo (hemat bahan & cepat)
- Masukkan remahan Oreo ke dalam wadah.
- Masak hingga mendidih susu cair, gula pasir, garam, keju parut, cream putih isian Oreo.
- Masukkan maizena yg di cairkan & masak hingga meletup2 (mengental).
- Angkat, masukkan dalam wadah lalu susun Oreo - cheesecake - Oreo - cheesecake.
- Atasnya bisa di tambahkan topping sesuai selera..
- Disajikan dingin lebih nikmat.
- Selamat mencoba & semoga berhasil ๐๐.
Decorating it like an oreo is optional but makes it a fun dessert to serve to your guests. Cut out the letters for OREO using letter shaped cookie or playdoh cutters. Cut two triangles, use a straw to cut some mini circles and then cut lots of. This is a family favourite, plain cheesecake recipe that I tweaked to incorporate the Oreoยฎ cookies that my kids adore. We have tried it a few different ways but this is the exact recipe that we adore.
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