Cheese Cake Oreo Lumer Cup Everyone loves these Oreo Cheesecake Pudding Cups!! Resep Cheesecake lumer simple banget favorit. Resep Cheesecake lumer simple banget oleh Selfani Kurnia Maharani S.

Bahan Membuat Cheese Cake Oreo Lumer Cup

  1. 1 bungkus Oreo (saya yang 133 gr).
  2. 250 gr Susu cair (saya 250 ml).
  3. 50 gr Susu kental manis.
  4. 50 gr Keju cheddar, parut.
  5. 1,5 sdm Tepung maizena (saya larutkan dgn secukupnya susu cair).
  6. Topping :.
  7. Secukupnya Keju cheddar, parut (saya skip).
  8. Secukupnya Coco crunch.
  9. (Saya pake sisa Oreo yang sudah dihancurkan).

Langkah Memasak Cheese Cake Oreo Lumer Cup

  1. Pisahkan oreo dan krim.
  2. Tumbuk oreo sampai halus. Saya lagi males numbuk jadi pake blender.
  3. Campur krim oreo, susu cair, susu kental manis, keju cheddar parut. Aduk rata.
  4. Masak api kecil sambil diaduk sampai mendidih.
  5. Tambahkan larutan maizena. Aduk sampai mendidih dan meletup-letup. Matikan api.
  6. Siap dimasukkan dalam gelas / cup selang-seling dengan oreo yang sudah dihaluskan.
  7. Terakhir beri topping.
  8. Masukkan dalam lemari es agar rasa lebih enak.
  9. Cheese Cake Oreo Lumer Cup siap untuk disajikan.
  10. Mau...? 😁.

Lihat juga resep Cheese Cake Oreo Lumer di mulut (Dessert Box) enak lainnya! oreo cheesecake or no bake cheesecake video recipe further add ¾ cup unsalted melted butter and mix well. this helps to make crust more moist and hold shape. transfer the prepared cream cheese cake mixture to the previously set oreo crust springform cake pan. Like it or not, a well-presented dessert makes it even tastier than you would normally think it was, because of the fact that you eat with your eyes rather than your mouth. Using an electric mixer, beat together cream cheese and sugar until creamy and well-combined. Once Oreo Cheesecake has finished baking, allow it to cool to room temperature for about an hour before placing in the refrigerator to. A wide variety of oreo cheese cake options are available to you, such as flavor, packaging, and type.

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