Steamed cheese cake ekonomis However, homemade steamed cakes are equally delicious and you can. The Best Steamed Cheese Cake Recipes on Yummly Feta Cheese Cake, Cottage Cheese Cake, Ricotta Cheese Cake.

Bahan Membuat Steamed cheese cake ekonomis

  1. 20 gr Tepung terigu (🔼biru).
  2. 15 gr Tepung maizena.
  3. 40 gr Keju cheddar (parut halus).
  4. 35 gr butter.
  5. 2 buah kuning telur (Uk. besar).
  6. 40 ml susu cair.
  7. Bahan meringue :.
  8. 2 buah putih telur.
  9. 40 gr Gula pasir.
  10. 1/4 sdm Air jeruk lemon.
  11. lelehkan keju, butter dan susu hingga terasa halus.

Langkah Memasak Steamed cheese cake ekonomis

  1. Wadah 1 = lelehkan keju, butter dan susu hingga terasa halus tidak bergerindil dengan api kecil. sisihkan setelah dingin masukkan kuning telur dan aduk rata..
  2. Wadah 2 = Kocok putih telur, gula dan air lemon hingga soft peak..
  3. Masukan tepung terigu dan tepung maizena ke dalam adonan di wadah 1 aduk hingga halus dan licin..
  4. Tambahkan adonan dari wadah 2 dengan teknik aduk balik hingga tercampur rata..
  5. Masukan ke dalam loyang yang sudah di oles dengan margarin / carlo..
  6. Masukan loyang kedalam panci yang sudah di beri air. jangan lupa tutup panci di ikat kain agar uap air tidak menetes..
  7. Kukus selama 25-30 menit dengan api sedang..
  8. Tes tusuk untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan..
  9. Angkat sajikan...

Easy and healthy Chinese steamed rice cake recipe (Rice Fa gao) that you will love once you tried. I have planned quite a long time There are two types of Chinese steamed rice cake- one is made from pure rice flour (with large spongy like holes) and the other one is.. Kukus - Steamed cheese cake Resep Cheese Cake Kukus - Steamed Mocca Cheese Cake. Manju is a round steamed cake which is typically filled with a sweet red bean filling. While there are several options for different manju fillings, there are also different flavors available for the exterior manju cake.

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