CheeseCake Melted In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese, sugar and flour until smooth. Add eggs; beat on low just until combined. Stir in vanilla and melted chocolate just until blended.

Bahan Membuat CheeseCake Melted

  1. 300 ml air.
  2. 2 sachet SKM putih.
  3. 1 sachet dancow putih.
  4. 100 gr keju chedar (parut).
  5. 3 sdm gula pasir.
  6. 3 sdm tepung maizena (larutkan dg sedikit air).
  7. Oreo sebagai toping (buang gula putihnya).
  8. Keju chedar parut sebagai toping.

Langkah Memasak CheeseCake Melted

  1. Campur air, SKM, dancow, gula pasir dan keju parut. Masak sampai mendidih..
  2. Setelah mendidih, masukkan larutan maizena sambil terus diaduk, hingga meletup2..
  3. Setelah itu angkat dan tunggu hingga hilang uap panasnya (agak dingin)..
  4. Setelah agak dingin, masukkan dalam wadah.. Selang seling dengan oreo yg sudah dihancurkan kasar..
  5. Setelah itu.. taburi dg keju parut, sebagai toping. Dan masukkan kulkas..
  6. Note : Kalau saya masuk kulkas dulu, toping kejunya nanti saat mau di santap..

For traditionally baked cheesecakes, the gelatin is added to the batter to help give the cake a little more body and hold together when sliced. In either case, the gelatin should be dissolved prior to being added to the cheesecake batter. To make the cheesecake, melt the chocolate in short bursts in the microwave, then leave to cool slightly. Whip the cream in a large bowl using an electric whisk until soft peaks form, then fold in the cocoa powder. Beat the cream cheese and sugar together, then fold in the cream mixture and the cooled chocolate.

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