Cheesecake lumer choco with cereal Resep Nastar Keju Lumer pulen empukkk. Pour the cream cheese mixture on top of the rice cereal and marshmallow base, using a spatula to smooth the top. The top countries of supplier is China, from which the percentage. Последние твиты от Chizkek Lumer Center (@ChizkekLumer).

Bahan Membuat Cheesecake lumer choco with cereal

  1. 1 bungkus oreo ukuran besar (hancurkan dengan creamnya).
  2. 4 sachet sereal (sy quacker oat cereal).
  3. 4 sdm susu kental manis coklat.
  4. 1 sdt vanila pasta.
  5. 100 gr keju cedar, parut.
  6. 500 ml air.
  7. 3 sdm tepung maizena, larutkan dengan 50ml air.

Langkah Memasak Cheesecake lumer choco with cereal

  1. Masukkan semua bahan kecuali oreo dan maizena, didihkan dengan api sedang sambil terus diaduk perlahan menggunakan baloon wisk.
  2. Setelah mendidih tambahkan larutkan maizena, aduk dengan cepat hingga mengental, lalu matikan kompor.
  3. Susun dalam gelas bening, sehingga terlihat lapisan cheese cake nya.
  4. Dapet 6 cup.

The secrets to creating the distinctive cowhide pattern and the smooth and silky texture of the Japanese choco-moo cheesecake have been closely guarded by Mrs Megumi Kaino from Farm Designs, until now. All about Chocos Cereal from Kellogg's - pictures and information including commercials and cereal boxes if available. You can vote for Chocos or leave a There was also a Toffee version of the cereal called Chocos Toffee which was described on the box as a "chocolatey toffee solid breakfast." Chocolate-y goodness in a cheesecake is what you get from this recipe using cocoa and chocolate chips with the cream cheese standard. Chill cake completely BEFORE spreading on top. TIP FOR NO CRACKS=use parchment paper for lining of pan (bottom and sides) to prevent cracks AND leave.

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