Cheese Cake Oreo in Jar Put the jars in a deep baking dish, then pour enough boiling water into the dish to reach halfway up the. This Oreo Cheesecake is thick, creamy and filled with cookies and cream! It's baked in an Oreo crust and topped with white chocolate ganache and homemade whipped cream!

Bahan Membuat Cheese Cake Oreo in Jar

  1. 7 keping oreo, ambil sisihkan creamnya, hancurkan oreonya.
  2. 150 ml susu cair plain.
  3. 100 keju, parut.
  4. 2 sachet susu kental manis.
  5. 1 sachet susu bubuk dancow.
  6. 65 ml santan kara.
  7. 2 sdm gula pasir.
  8. 3 sdm maizena, larutkan dg sedikit air matang.
  9. 300 ml air.

Langkah Memasak Cheese Cake Oreo in Jar

  1. Campurkan semua bahan kecuali maizena dan oreo.
  2. Nyalakan api, aduk sampai rata dg api sedang hampir mendidih.
  3. Masukkan maizena yg telah dicairkan, masak sampai meletup2.
  4. Setelah mendidih & meletup2, matikan kompor,tunggu beberapa saat sampai agak mendingin.
  5. Parutan keju dan oreo dihancurkan.
  6. Tuang adonan kdalam jar/wadah, taburkan oreo bubuk, keju parut, adonan lagi, lalu ditutup dg oreo, keju parut lagi.
  7. Masukkan kedalam kulkas dibagian bawahnya (chiller) kurleb 1-2 jam.
  8. Cheese cake oreo in jar lumer siap dinikmati, makin dingin makin enak..
  9. Lumeerrr 😋😋😋 hasilnya jd 2 jar ini..

Super easy to make with Funfetti box cake mix and frosting plus an added Prepare funfetti cake mix according to package directions. Spread onto a thin sheet pan. A wide variety of oreo cheese cake options are available to you, such as flavor, packaging, and type. A No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake with an Oreo crust! This easy no-bake cheesecake recipe makes a perfect dessert for any time of year!

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