Fish Steak with Brown Sauce In the same pan, stir-fry onion rings browning the edges a bit but not too much that it will become limp. When you're cooking steak, whip up a sauce to go with it. A wide variety of fish steak sauce options are available to you, such as form, packaging, and certification.

Bahan Membuat Fish Steak with Brown Sauce

  1. 🐟Bahan Steak🐟.
  2. 1 potong fillet ikan kakap/200 gr (resep asli pake ikan salmon).
  3. 🐟Bumbu Marinasi🐟.
  4. 1 sdm perasan air lemon (sy pke jeruk nipis).
  5. 1/4 sdt garam.
  6. 1/4 sdt merica.
  7. 3 siung bawang putih, cincang halus.
  8. 2 sdm kecap asin.
  9. 2 sdm butter (sy pke mentega).
  10. 🥬Bahan Lain🥬.
  11. 1 genggam kentang wedges.
  12. 1 buah wortel, potong korek api.
  13. 1 buah jagung, pipik/serut.
  14. 1 genggam edamame kupas.
  15. 🐟Bahan Saus Steak🐟 (lihat resep).

Langkah Memasak Fish Steak with Brown Sauce

  1. Siapkan bahan-bahan..
  2. Marinasi ikap kakap dengan bumbu Marinasi. Diamkan selama 20 menit..
  3. Siapkan wajan, beri mentega. Panggang ikan sampai tekstur dagingnya lembut namun tetap juicy. Angkat dan sisihkan..
  4. Goreng kentang dengan minyak panas. Panggang wortel selama 3 menit. Rebus jagung dan edamame selama 2 menit. Sisihkan..
  5. Buat bumbu saus steak/brown sauce (lihat resep).
  6. Siapkan piring, tata steak ikan, kentang goreng dan sayuran. Tuang saus steak/brown sauce diatas steak ikan. Siap dan sajikan..

After watching several videos and reading much about the fish sauce dry aging. I had to give it a good try. Today I put a real dry aged steak vs the fish. Brown sauce is added to different kinds of steaks including beef and chicken steaks. It is made with carrots and onions, white pepper and maida flour.

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