Onomiyaki with takoyaki home made sauce The fresh home made ramen soup is still my favourite but it doesn't exactly look like Ichiraku's! Onomiyaki, Takoyaki a lot of food's have yaki in theiir names. Maybe yaki means something like food or something.

Bahan Membuat Onomiyaki with takoyaki home made sauce

  1. Adonan onomiyaki:.
  2. 1 butir telur.
  3. 3 sdm terigu.
  4. 50 ml air (kira2).
  5. Isian onomiyaki: (selera masing2).
  6. Kubis.
  7. Sosis.
  8. Bakso.
  9. Daun bawang.
  10. Saos takoyaki:.
  11. 3 sachet saos cabe/tomat.
  12. 1 sdt saoa tiram.
  13. 1 sdt kecap manis.
  14. sedikit Gula merah dan garam.
  15. 1-2 sdm air.

Langkah Memasak Onomiyaki with takoyaki home made sauce

  1. Campur semua adonan onomiyaki, goreng setengah adonan dg sedikit minyak dan api sangat kecil di teflon..
  2. Susun isian diatasnya, siram atas ny dengan sedikit adonan agr isinny lengket dg bawahnya. Lalu balik onomiyaki ny pelan2 agar tidak berntakan..
  3. Angkat sedikit ujung onomiyaki agar sisi bawah terlihat dan tuang sisa adonan ke sisis bawahnya. Tunggu sebentar smpai adonan bagian bawah matang. Lalu angkat ke piring..
  4. Untuk saos ny tinggal di campur kan semua bahan tadi. Kemudian oleskan saos diatas onomiyaki nya. Lebih nikmat bila ditambah mayonaise di atasnya..

Add some sauce, along with as much mayonnaise, dried. This takoyaki recipe provides easy instructions for making Japanese octopus balls (dumplings) that are crispy on the outside and full of flavour. Takoyaki are a kind of dumpling, made from grilled puffs of seasoned batter with a small piece of octopus meat in the middle, with sauces and seasonings. I have made them many times at home and just wanted to add that you should definitely make sure to grease the takoyaki pan pretty generously and Directions Put all ingredients except the chili oil in a sauce pan and bring to a boil over medium heat stirring occasionally. It is based on brewing soy sauce and seasoned with tomato and oyster sauce and using for original takoyaki and hard boiled foods and fried foods.

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