Tempeh or tempe is a traditional Indonesian soy product, that is made from fermented soybeans.
It is made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form.
Katso käyttäjän Marine Petot (@marine_petot) Instagram-kuvat ja -videot.
Bahan Membuat Petot tempe gatot
- gatot.
- tempe.
- 2 sdm ketumbar bubuk.
- 1 sdm garam.
- 1 sdm kaldu.
- air.
Langkah Memasak Petot tempe gatot
- Campur semua bahan jadi satu tambah air dingin secukupnya.
- Simpan bbrp menit di kulkas. goreng dan siap disantap.
Fahrenheit to Celsius (ºF to ºC) conversion calculator for temperature conversions with additional tables and formulas. Cara Menggunakan Gatotkaca (Community). 'Double Trouble', Crowd Control Vale dan Gatot! The place is located in kampung ngelok.fatal.
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