Tela tela ubi gurih It is located in the department of Atlantida. Who is the nigga that act bad with the laws? Keep a pistol in his draws and act bad with your broads. peshheristyie-tela-u-muzhchin.html.

Bahan Membuat Tela tela ubi gurih

  1. 2 kg ubi kayu.
  2. Bumbu balado.
  3. 1/2 sdk garam.

Langkah Memasak Tela tela ubi gurih

  1. Bersihkan ubi terlebih dahulu.
  2. Setelah itu rebus ubi,dan tambahkan garam sampai setengah empuk.
  3. Lalu potong ubi berbentuk korek api.
  4. Goreng dengan api sedang,tiriskan lalu berikan bumbu balado.

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